Friday, March 29, 2002

Mission 1-Planet Yarnellia (The Yarnellites)
Logging into R.O.B.E mainframe searching for mission data1
Written By Justin Shough.
(Contains both written and spoken information of the crew)

Captains log star date 1:
The year was... ehh what year is this?
Alex: 2099 sir.
Thank you, Yes the year is 2099 are mission has begun there is an air of calm which has engulfed the ship ever since day 1 yet I fear that the calmness has faded, tomorrow we embark on our first primary mission, we have orders to enter the planet Yarnellia's atmosphere, and either land or transport onto the surface, and travel to their governments head quarters. It was decided that Yarnellia would be our first planet in our mission for peace because the Yarnellites already speak our language and before the great war was declared had been our most faithful allies, by all accounts this was to be our easiest mission, a walk in a park if you may.
We have spent the first month of our journey travelling into the outer regions of the Yataki nebula we get ever nearer to planet Yarnellia, by sunset tomorrow we should arrive.

Alex: ehhh, sir the sun in the Yataki nebula never sets, like most suns it wont just disappear!!?
Captain: I know I was err just testing you, well done, however by the time in which the sun would normally set on Earth we shall arrive.

Captain: R.O.B.E. what is the time?

R.O.B.E: The time sponsored by Wormfeeder is exactly 21.32 hours, sir I will activate the autopilot as you requested at 21.45hrs.

Captain: Good, Alex, inform the other crew members to get some rest we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, we must save our strength, and besides I’m sure Rosemary could do with some beauty sleep.

Rosemary: that would be nice.

Captain: Waaaaarh, I didn't see you there Rose, how are you?

Rosemary: Fine cap, I will see you in the morning will I?

Captains log star date 2:
Well I managed to sleep for 37 minutes; the unexplained wailing of Rosemary having a nightmare can be heard throughout the ship, I almost needed a clean pair of under pants when she first woke me. There is no point me sleeping now; anyway Alex has been up all night mourning the death of his flowers, Michelle is studying in the observation room about Yarnellites and their way of life and Mo Jones has been carefully planning our flight path-all is well.
Well I had better start planning the confrontation with the Yarnellites, It has been a month and nobody has even thought about the mission in hand, they have been watching television provided by fibre optics, there is only 301631 channels and only about 270000 of them have anything watchable on, the others have dreary repeats of TV programmes people watched 1000's of years ago like 24 and the Simpson’s, WHEN will they learn people want quality television in this day and age.

A few hours have passed, I’m still sitting in front of R.O.B.E typing this log, the time is 4am Rosemary couldn’t sleep because of a bad dream, Paul woke up because he thought he heard the distant sound of a weapon being fired, B6B has been working throughout the night making minor alterations to the ships fuel injection system, I don’t know why he bothers, and John Doe has been wandering about for some time now not knowing what to do with himself and Justin just brought us all a cup of coffee to wake us up. I am off to prepare for the confrontation with the Yarnellites with the crew now this will be my last log for several hours.

Captains log star date 3: The time is 16.14 the meeting with the other crew members has just finished, we had been trying to decide on a strategy to confront the Yarnellites with, we finally decided that seems Rosemary is the most capable at solving problems (and the most gullible) she would be the first to be transported down to the planet Yarnellia, she amazingly expected but, she wished that john Doe would company her till she has made progress (which is when we would transport down to the planet also to make final agreements on a peace order with Earth. The day of Judgement is here, by 18.00hrs we will be in transportation range of planet Yarnellia and at 18.15hrs she will transport down onto the surface with John Doe.

Captain: Okay is everybody ready and in their places?

Captain: Mr Moe prepare to station the ship.

Moe- Yes sir right away!

Crew: Yes sir everyone is ready, oh except Rosemary she, urh um I don’t know where she is...

Rosemary: I'm here sorry I was late, I over slept.

Captain: What? You mean to say you risked our lives, the people of Earth's lives and the very existence of all of mankind because you over slept????

Rosemary: Yes.

Captain: Forget it; get yourself and John to the transportation deck now! We have prepared an 11-page contract for the Yarnellites to read and if they agree to be at peace with Earth we can declare this mission a success.

Paul: Ok Rose, John you may feel a slight pain in your heart as your being transported down, B6B still hasn't completed the repairs of the transporters after Rose spilt Coffee down the control panel. Well here goes....

Rosemary: Beam me down Scotty!

Paul: My name is Paul not Scotty, Good luck you may very well need it.

Captains log star date 4:

Well it has 17 minutes since Rosemary and John have been on Yarnellia's surface, we of course fear the worst, but have to have hope.
Alex: incoming transmission sir:"Yeah hi could I have some medium fries, small coke, and a double cheeseburger please"

Alex: Sorry I'm err you have got the wrong number; you must have dialled 10029292834451 instead of 10029292834452, goodbye.

Alex: Sir another incoming transmission, its Rosemary-

Rosemary: Captain, John Doe is dead, he died on the impact of being transported he, he had a heart attack!

Captain: God this is terrible… ah well, we will transport his brother to you straight away- John Doe the 2nd, and he will aid you. Have you made contact with the Yarnellites yet?

Rosemary: No but I am close to their HQ, find out my location using the locationaliser and beam John Doe the 2nd there, we will travel to their HQ then on. I will transport John Doe's body back to the ship Beaverprise for Alex to study.

Captain: ok Alex take a look at that body in the observation room, see if you can find something out, its been 42 minutes since we heard last from Rose try getting through to her again.

Transmission: ...............&^&^$&()&(&^$^*()(%............Hello? Hello? Captain its Rosemary John Doe the 2nd has been murdered by the Yarnellites they thought he was a sacrifice from God. After they killed him I managed to talk to their leader Mr Yarnell, he has agreed to make peace with Earth but only on the condition that he can meet you sir, it is in your hands now.

Captain: Ok I am going to get Paul to send me down now with B6B we will be there shortly, fear not.

Captain: B6B, Paul, there will be no more problems with the transporters? You must assure me.

B6B: No sir the accident should be a one off, John was unlucky.

Captain: Ok send us down now this is becoming less funny and more tedious by the second, Earth needs us to be strong.

R.O.B.E- and so the two beavers went to planet Yarnellia and saved Earth from destruction, and Earth lived happily ever after.

Alex: What? Don’t be so stupid, like that could ever happen, nice optimism though, hay what is the time?

R.O.B.E.-The time is,

Alex: Oh perfect, R.O.B.E has crashed, Paul restart R.O.B.E and download Windows 3000+++ into his system server.

Paul: Yes Alex.

Alex: There is nothing we can do, but wait... and wait a little more.

R.O.B.E.-Dun Dun Dunnnnn. (Creates a moment of tension)

Justin: Wow he’s only been on for 32 seconds yet he has already given me a headache. Hay anyone want a cup of tea?

Crew: Nahh go away.

Justin: Bastards. One day, I will be more than just a useless tea boy; you'll see you'll all see…

Crew: aah whatever.

Back On Planet Yarnellia:
Captain: Mr Yarnell, Earth greatly values your race of computer aided super creatures and all you stand for, Earth has no war with you or your people please except our humble apologies and sign the declaration of peace with Earth.

Mr Yarnell: very well but only because of a year of pupils I taught about Yarnellia life in 2002, they were only merely humans but passed the Yarnellia test, I guess humans aren’t so bad at all. Also you must end your reign as captain of Starship Beaverprise and stay here with Rosemary on Yarnellia and start populating our planet with your human life so that I may teach more humans of our great ways. Do you agree?

Captain: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Captain: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Captain: But alas I must, for I swore my life to this mission to its success, you have an agreement, I must tell the crew of this sad news.

B6B: Fear not sir, I will break the news to them, gently.

Captain: Thank you, you have done your captain proud.

And as the news was told to the crew celebrations could have been heard from the starship Beaverprise by all life forms in the near Galaxies, for they had succeeded in their first mission to prevent a war with Earth, and they had lost both Rosemary and their old captain Matthew Beaverson who they mostly disliked anyway...

Justin: Hooray we are heroes.

Alex: Well nothings left to do now but to announce who the new captain is, R.O.B.E. has a detailed biopsy of who would be captain should something had happened to Matthew, so R.O.BE. Who is the next most capable of us who will captain us to glory or failure in our coming missions?

R.O.B.E-da da daaaaaaa (dramatic pause) Justin, he is the most skilled, I guess.

And with a gasp and a sigh of relief on many faces Justin was made captain, and they began planning they next mission, whatever that one quite knew yet.

Captains log star date 5:

Well we managed to get rid of Beaverson, Rosemary and take one step further to saving Earth from complete destruction, I think we did good, all of us, even if people looking at what happened to us in years to come, or in the past when none of this has happened yet thinks otherwise.
We will Save Earth.
Or die trying.

And with that Rosemary and Matthew Beaverson began repopulating Yarnellia with humans and probably would have lived happily ever after, had Mr Yarnell not burned them to the stake, in an attempt to make his God (P M Heathcote) happy.

Mission1 end. Disconnecting from R.O.B.E mainframe.

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Crew Members:
Alex-Ships Doctor/Scientist, he is 27 years of age and has a love for flowers ( he tried decorating the whole ship with them however after being in space for a day they had all perished, he was chosen specifically for this mission because his proven record as a Doctor, and because he slept with the women in charge of the mission.

Matthew Beaverson- The ships captain, he is human but has Beaver tendancies, he was chosen for this mission for his high work rate and cool temperment he is 25 years of age and has a love for other men, he under went 11 years of space travel/flight training to prepare himself.

R.O.B.E-The ships onboard computer mainframe, has a slow processing power at a mere 55,000GHz powered by an Intel 37, however he can tell the time to the nearest second and solve complex equations like 3+4=7, he has a love for microchips.

B6B-Beaver 6 Billion, is the only beaver hybrid on the ship for this mission he is the ships engineer but he is best known for creating the worlds greatest website (In 2003) called Wormfeeder during the internet related war of the 2040's it eventually became exclusively the worlds only website as its success bought money which allowed them to buy out every other internet company (much in the same way Bill Gates did in the 20th century. He is skilled, knows the ship well, his age is unknown but he one of the longest living Beavers ever. He has a love for Wormfeeder

Justin-The ships drinks organiser/translator (makes the other crew members tea) was told by a fortune teller before he left for the mission that he must be prepared to embrace the great things which the mission will throw at him. He was chosen because he has good social skills and speaks many languages, he would be able to directly comunicate with other life forms which other crew members could not. He is 23 years of age and he has a love for all of God's creations (Except the ships captain who he despises.)

Rosemary-The ships therapist/psychologist, she is there to help deal with any problems which may arise between the crew members themselves, hired for the mission because of a clause in her contract (they can pay her less than the Oompa Loompa's.) She is simple, but has good work ethics.

Paul-Ships weapons system designer, spent 4 years studying the construction of weapons at Homebase. He is chief controller of war related affairs he is 29 years of age, has a love for a girl called Francais and nuclear warheads.

John Doe- Not much is known about John apart from he is excited to be taking part in the mission, and his favorite number is Se7en. He is not really an essential member of the ship.

Moe Jones-Moe is the aviation expert, he is the ships flight path organiser, he is 32 years of age and has a love for Safeways.

Michelle-Michelle is the other qualified nurse/doctor on the ship, she was requested by Rosemary because Rosemary didnt want Alex man-handling her, she is 22 years of age (the youngest) and loves sharp aluminium cutting instruments.

Introduction/Background History:

By 2011 both technological breakthroughs made by engineers and scientists alike, and the new Beaver hybrids (formed from Genetic Engineering)
Overruling the humans who once dominated Earth, but no more. However not only Earth was on the agenda. By the end of 2011 Beavers and humans once again learned to live together in equilibrium. Together they started building space travel devices and ships which could further space travel and extend the horizons in which humans could travel through space, this in turn would lead to new Galaxies being discovered, and with discovery people wanted exploration.
In 2012 a ship was built, a crew chosen to fly it and they set off on a voyage, their ship named Star Ship Enterprise. However after travelling to new worlds discovering new life forms, some, many in fact more intelligent than humans themselves, the humans that were chosen for the mission however were perhaps not best suited and rifts between the group formed and in turn the crew began unintentionally destroying habitats of those who lived elsewhere, higher order planets, of which vastly important beings lived. By 2014 almost every planet within every galaxy and star system had declared a war against Earth, except one planet called Swaffham’o (they didn’t care).
Something had to be done, beavers and humans agreed on this so the following years influential Beaver leaders and Human leaders began a campaign called “Save Earth Or Die Trying” working under ground a new ship was built with a more powerful thrust system for faster travel and weapons both electronically guided ones and manual ones in case they were needed.100’s of years passed, until a new more suitable crew was chosen-a specialists crew whose mission was to visit every planet the Enterprise did and make peace with them. The crew would contain around 7/8 British military troops a legendary Beaver, and some Oompa Loompa’s (to make up the numbers)

In the next post will be a fairly detailed crew analysis, and comming soon-The actual accounts and journals of the captain of the starship Beaver prise and its crew members will be told, a legend begins....soon.