Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Introduction to Season Two
Written By Justin Shough and Alex Gilmour

A year has passed since the crew of the Starship Beaverprise left Earth in 2099 on the suicide mission to save Earth from every other planet in the Galaxy, so far two members of the crew have been lost in battle. The first was Matthew Beaverson, while negotiating with Mr Yarnell of planet Yarnellia he was held against his will to spend eternity with the other dammed crew member Rosemary. Rosemary was lost at the same time as Beaverson (the former captain). In an unwelcome event her remains mixed with nuclear waste and she was reincarnated, so to speak, for her ultimate appearance in Mission 6 (Attack Of The Clones). Cloning Beaverson, who also mixed with nuclear waste, she fought against the new Captain Justin, and lost her life once more. Other losses to the crew include several John Does, a couple of Jane Does and a few other insignificant one-off crew members. A new addition to the crew for year 2 of the Beaverprise missions is Ed, he is the creation of a fundamental error of the holodeck and first appeared in Mission5 (Part One), he recently wed Michelle and as such has become a respected member of the crew. The first Mission/Episode of Season Two will appear on this site at the end of this week, with Season One now being available via the archive’s. The first mission in Season Two sees the crew of Beaverprise being forced to land on the planet Blurg9 in order for their ship to be repaired. The legend of the Starship Beaverprise continues soon and it’s looking more exciting than ever!

Sunday, May 19, 2002

Crew Members For Season Two:

Alex-Ships Doctor/Scientist, he is now 28 years of age and still has a love for flowers, he was chosen specifically for this mission because his proven record as a Doctor, and because he slept with the women in charge of the mission. He has carried out his duties on the ship with minimal understanding and effort, he and Michelle have built up a good relationship over the last year. He often finds Ed frustrating. Despite being paid peanuts he continues with the mision objectives.

Matthew Beaverson- Was once the ships captain, he is human but has Beaver tendancies, he was chosen for this mission for his high work rate and cool temperment he would have been 26 years of age and used to have a love for other men, he under went 11 years of space travel/flight training to prepare himself. Around a year ago he was captured by the Yarnellians and is missing presumed dead, nobody cares. He was recently cloned thousands of times by the insane Rosemary.
2074-2099 Rest In Peace.

R.O.B.E-He is still the ships onboard computer mainframe, has a slow processing power at a mere 55,000GHz powered by an Intel 37, however he can tell the time to the nearest second and solve complex equations like 3+4=7, he has a love for microchips. He has been a continous source of inspiration to the crew and they love him, yes that was a lie. He has downloaded vast ammounts of porn onto the ships onboard 10000000 giga byte hard drive and has taken up 99% of its storage capacity.

B6B-Beaver 6 Billion, is still the only beaver hybrid on the ship for this mission he is the ships engineer but he is best known for creating the worlds greatest website (In 2003) called Wormfeeder during the internet related war of the 2040's it eventually became exclusively the worlds only website as its success bought money which allowed them to buy out every other internet company (much in the same way Bill Gates did in the 20th century. He is skilled, knows the ship well, his age is unknown but he one of the longest living Beavers ever. He has a love for Wormfeeder. He continues as the ships engineer, little is known about him apart from he is unsure about his the rest of the crew.

Justin-Is now the ships captain, a giant leap from the drinks organiser/translator he used to be. He was chosen because he has good social skills and speaks many languages, he would be able to directly comunicate with other life forms which other crew members could not. He is now 24 years of age and he has a love for all of God's creations.

Rosemary-She used to be the ships therapist/psychologist, she was there to help deal with any problems which may arise between the crew members themselves, hired for the mission because of a clause in her contract (they can pay her less than the Oompa Loompa's.) She is simple, but has good work ethics. She was lost on the planet Yarnellia, only to reappear in Episode/Mission6 where she lost her life. 2063-3000 Rest In Peace

Paul-Paul is still the ships weapons system designer, spent 4 years studying the construction of weapons at Homebase. He is chief controller of war related affairs he is now 30 years of age, has a love for a girl called Francais and nuclear warheads. He has continued to get along with other crew members and has had a varied degree of success in the missions he has taken part in.

John Doe- Not much is known about John apart from he is excited to be taking part in the mission, and his favorite number is Se7en. He is not really an essential member of the ship.

Jane Doe-Joined the ship several months ago, she was originally intended to be on the ship when they were sent into space but was unable to join them until now, she has a love for John Doe

Moe Jones-Moe is the aviation expert, he is the ships flight path organiser, he is now 33 years of age and has a love for Safeways. He is a highly valued member of the Starship Beaverprise crew.

Michelle-Michelle is the other qualified nurse/doctor on the ship, she was requested by Rosemary because Rosemary didnt want Alex man-handling her, she is now 23 years of age (the youngest) and loves sharp aluminium cutting instruments. She has recently married Ed the hologram that appeared in Episode5.

Ed-Ed is the newest and possibly coolest addition to the Starship Beaverprise crew, he recently got married to Michelle, much to the disgust of Alex, Justin, Moe, B6B, Paul and possibly R.O.B.E. Not much is known about him other than he is made from hard light cells and classed as a grade A hologram, his confidence and willingness to help the others succeed is perhaps the only reason nobody has tried to kill him...yet.