Monday, April 08, 2002

Episode 3-Y3k
Written By Justin Shough.
Based on the concept created by Justin Shough
Now Edited For Language!

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Searching for Mission3-Beyond The Call Of Duty...In The Next To Final Frontier.

Mission3 not found

Retrying to access mission3 records via backup storage...Logging into R.O.B.E please equip protective goggles.

Logged On As Guest Number: 12230

Captains log 3.1: Its now the year 3000! Another reason to celebrate and become a drunken fool for a couple of days of course is: are our intrepid crew of the Starship Beaverprise has successfully completed their second mission! It didn't all go to plan though...

The date was, actually I don’t remember what the date was, we had just escaped from the wormfeederhole we were lucky to have all our bodily parts intact let alone to be alive.
The crew has managed to get the lovely Michelle back from the Areomsithians and Mr Moe, we did of course have some casualties but we managed to find a trace of John Doe 5's dna which we managed to clone several copies of him they are called John Doe 7.1 John Doe 7.2 and John Doe 7.3.
When we returned from the Wormfeederhole a mysterious woman had boarded our ship she claimed to be a Queen and told us she would declare her world at peace with Earth if we agreed to go on a mission, I didn't know what to do, we didn't believe she was a Queen despite the clothes she wore and the fact that she had a slave girl, and as I made a miss judgement on the last major decision I had to make (The tea and Biscuits...I mean the wormfeederhole) Can I ask the audience? 50/50? No? Ok, I will let the...Magic 8-ball decide…

Captain: Hay Michelle how you feeling after you got lucky?

Paul: Does everybody remember her face when we told her she had to spend a night with Zip so that we could rescue the prisoners!

B6B: yeah haha.

Paul: I remember it like it was yesterday…

Captain: It was yesterday you fool now shut up, we can all talk about Michelle and her uncompromising situation over dinner, but now lets get some rest.

The events that happen in the following took place between to 12am on the day of the Californian presidential primary...I mean on "The day that we were sent back through time.”

It was December 30th Queen Kayleigh and her slave girl Watty had boarded our ship, they had given us a mission, we had to go back in time (about 23 years) and board a prison ship The Alkatraz Mary Rose to free some hostages that were being held, we decided, well the 8-ball did that we would except the challenge, however when the Queen was preparing the trans-time warp gate thingy something terrible happened, well the time was 11.52 we were ready to be sent back in time (although a little scared) as the trans-time warp gate thingy was activated the clock on R.O.B.E reached 12.00 it was officially the year 3000, something happened in R.O.B.E's internal sever which caused a mal function but it was too late we has already been sent into the past, or back to the future (I don’t remember) we arrived, we had no idea whether there would be a problem with R.O.B.E. due to the Y3k problem.

Michelle: My God what’s that? Where the hell is all this water coming from? Aaaah…Oh god it was Alex's turn to use the washing machine we are all going to drown Noooo! Nobody told him how to use it! Our clothes will be ruined!

After floating around for a few hours in their own filth the crew cleaned up.

Captains Frog star date nobody cares: Croak

Captains log star date: 3.1ish: Well all is well so far, the accident with the washing machine was humorous, I’m surprised that Itv13 haven’t bought the rights for "Sing Along With R.O.B.E its become such a farce.

Few hours later...

Captains Dog Star date unknown: Woof Woof…I think this joke has run its course…

32 minutes later…(amount of minutes is not relevant.)

Oh my god, so it’s true, it’s all true every bit, Justin killed Alex in the observation room with the plasma gun...

Paul: woo, woo I was right I win star ship Cluedo again!

Captain: Well crew we are on course for that prison thing, I was thinking...should we take this stuffed beaver as a gift to these people in an attempt to make peace with us?

Michelle: You mean that statue of our old captain that Rosemary crafted?

Captain: ah gees now I see the resemblance, we don’t want to scare them off now do we!

R.O.B.E-By the way after Mr Moe set the co-ordinates for the prison he transported down to the planet Olympica, he is on the Earth team for trans-galactic tiddlywinks, I hope he doesn’t get killed.

Captain: Wait a second, B6B move the thruster’s power energy to the force fields, there’s something out there...

B6B: what this? Lets pull it in using the Pull-that-space-thing-in-anator...

Captain: What is it??

Paul: It appears to be a journal, I can’t seem to read it, and I think it’s in a foreign language.

Captain: You fool your reading it upside down! says diary 2001 inside it has the name Matthew Stevenson...hmmm it has a picture on the back cover of it of an old lady, I cant read the name.

Alex: Begins with E I think, I cant read it sorry!

Michelle: Oh well couldn’t have been anyone important, else why would it be out here, maybe he committed suicide by shooting himself into space...

Captain: Well at any rate lets ignore this and continue with the mission at hand.

Captain: Wait...what’s that? Bring it up the observe-anator, quick!

Paul: it’s a ship, looks hostile.

Captain: Ready the missiles

Paul: Readied sir.

Captain: Fire a couple of homing missile things at it, lets see how this cake bakes...

(Ship Fires “Missiles”)

Alex: Sir those aren’t missiles we're firing! they look like little pellets, or skittles?

Captain: My god, the crazed lunatic (Andrew Pool) that built this must have had an extreme case of sweet tooth, what shall we do?

Paul: My advice is to eat the skittles we have left and then get the hell out of here.

On board foreign ship: Hay looks their some type of rain, coloured rain there.
Unknown: yes, yes, yes! Taste the rainbow.

Captain: john Doe 6 Go up onto the ship and wave this white clothe at their crew so they know we come in peace.

John Doe 6: Yes sir right away.


Captain: What was that?

Paul: It appears that John Doe 6 fell off the ship.

Captain: Damn I knew we should have stopped moving before he got up there, well never mind, I'm sure his friend also known as John Doe7.1 wont mind aiding us in the future.

Captains log star date err 3.2:

Well we our back on course for our mission we our now entering the intergalactic Express space lane its a quicker route to where we need to go, and luckily we have under 9 crew members so its allowed by Safeway (The space, Air Force, Energy, World Association)

Captain: Right where are we?

Alex: Somewhere in Middle Earth sir near the Shire, I mean approaching Prison camp sir.

Captain: Good, now I’ve heard the prison's commander has a lust for golden rings, Alex give me ours, you don’t need it any more.

Alex: Here you go, no wait, why should I give it to you? You bastard! Ahh have it I never liked it anyway.

Captain: Thank you, yes we shall tempt their commander Grandolf with this, the one ring to rule them all!

Paul: So there’s just this one commander and a few guards?

Captain: Yes but there is also Grandolf’s son, his name is Zip Finnigan although I don’t know much about him other than he is a talented musician who pays women for ***, probably because he’s ugly.

B6B: Zap Brannigan? The Zap Brannigan?

Captain: No, No I said Zip, Zip Finnigan, now be quiet before 30th Century Fox creates some sort of a law suite against us.

Captain: Right crew listen up I want you all to change the settings on your phasers from “Gently Warm” to “volcanic inferno” I mean “Stun”

Crew: Right away sir.

B6B: Right captain we are about to dock in the prison’s transport bay, be prepared for a little resistance, like crazed men throwing knifes etc.

Captain: This mission is turning out to be more like an episode of that unpopular cartoon series Beaverama rather than a Beaverprise mission.

Captain: Report.

B6B: we have docked successfully is everybody ready?

Rest Of Crew: Err no but lets go anyway!

Captain: Expect the unexpected, trust no one, although that’s kind of obvious because their our enemy, our nemesis our err our… enemy.

Paul: You said Enemy twice

Captain: Whatever.

B6B ok so we are in the loading dock, there should be a short corridor and a stair case leading into the two sets of prison cells each containing around 25 cells now we will have to check each one, because we stupidly forgot to ask the Queen which cell they were in, doh.

(Captain, Paul, B6B, John Doe 7.1 and 7.2 Michelle and Alex walk through corridor)

Guard: Who goes there?

Captain: shite I mean hello we come in peace I am Justin captain of the Star ship Beaverprise.

Guard: What are you doing here? You must go now you do not belong here!

Guard Fires phaser at John Doe 7.1

John Doe 7.1: aaah why, why me? Why do you always have to kill the unimportant ones?

Oh my god, they killed Kenny! I mean they killed John Doe 7.1! Those bastards!

Captain: You idiot your are going to pay you freak.

Captain fires his phaser at the guard misses then fires again misses and tries one more time and shoots him in the crotch (Ouch), the guard stunned they were ready to continue in their mission.

Captain: We must continue regardless of that sacrifice.

Crew: yeah ok…cool

The captain and the other crew members continue through the prison complex, until they reach the two blocks of cells containing the individual prisons, called A and B.
They searched every cell in A without luck, as they were making their way to cell B a man calling himself Zip Finnigan confronted them.

Zip: Name yourself.

Captain: Justin, of the star ship…

Zip: No, No you the attractive lady standing next to that not so attractive man.

Michelle: Who me?

Zip: No, that insect on the floor, of course you!

Michelle: Well thanks, I guess.

Zip: I’m willing to ignore the fact you have invaded our ship and our trying to provide an escape for these prisoners by all rights you should be shot on the spot, if the lovely Michelle spends one evening with me.

Other Crew: Yeah ok off you go now two.

Michelle: Whaaaaaa?

Zip: Mwahahahahaha!

R.O.B.E- And so the crew gave away Michelle to Zip, but at what price? Well at the price that they could get to the prison cell where they had to free the prisoners, although it took them ages (it was in the very last one they checked, how ironic) anyway after a few hours Michelle returned to the ship after being harassed by Zip she didn’t tell anyone what happened, maybe we will never know, or maybe ill hack into the prisons files and view the video footage of what happened in Zip’s room mwahahahaha. Anyway the crew had reached their destination

Captain: Well, we did it, Paul, B6B, John Doe 7.2 and Michelle and Alex we all did good, we made it to the prison cell these guys are being held. Now just let us open the door, it has something written on it…”Ne Pas Nourrir Les Vers!” I can’t read it. It is written in one of the forgotten languages of the Devil Men.

Alex: The Nazis?

Captain: No the French.

(Door opens)

Michelle: What! Is this it? A worm, we came all this way for a worm, he he oops its 3 worms now.

Captain: You idiot you trod on it!

Captain: Hay lets feed them,

Alex: Cool! Here we go lets give them the remains of John Doe 7.1 they will like that.

(3 worms after eating, begin a transformation into 3 people-possibly humans, probably not)

Person1: Hello! Thank you for freeing us I am John!

Person2: Thank you we are in your debt, I am Ed.

Person3: Thanks a lot now I have to follow Ed. around; before it was easy…being in his body and all, I am Mr Muffet. I love Ed.

Captain: Well all is well now you may not believe us but we come from the future and were about to take you there, I don’t know! its confusing.

Mr Muffet: Not at all!

Captain: R.O.B.E is Moe back?

R.O.B.E: yes captain he just arrived, he’s ok just a little beaten up (he lost in the first round)

Captain: Beam me and the crew and the 3 worms...err people aboard to then set us to travel back through time.

Captain: Well guys we can now officially call ourselves hero’s like, Bin Laden, Bill Gates and that Pop Idol winner nobody liked.

R.O.B.E Log:

And so they boarded the ship returned to the year 2099, although a week later than they should have possibly because of the Y3k problem nobody really knows or cared anyway...its not like it was at all important to the plot, I mean mission. When they arrived back Queen Kayleigh and her slave girl Watty returned also, and greeted the 3 man-worms and all was well, they sent a transmission to their planet and agreed peace with Earth.

Captains Log star date 3.3: Well another day, another week, another year, another century, another millennium, the crew didn't celebrate the success of the mission as they were all too tired, me included, we just finished the night off by playing a game…

No you bastards! You told me we was playing Connect 6 not connect 4 Nooooo

Connection With Server Cut: Your mouse became idol for more than 3 seconds

Logged out of R.O.B.E.