Sunday, March 30, 2003

Previously on Beaverprise…

Captain: It’s a restaurant, vegetarian cuisine courtesy of Cattle Slaughtering Jones

Max Baxter: I’m Zap’s old former military veteran friend, Max Baxter! But you can call me Max Baxter!

Zip Finnigan: The young Michelle, also of the Starship Beaverprise, has been kidnapped by an as of yet unknown assailant. We must rescue her from a fate worse than death!

Zip Finnigan: We don’t know yet, but we do have this video, which under further examination could provide us with the answers we need! I figured we could just fly around in space for a while until we work out where we have to go!

Ed: Nah! I think I’ll stay here! Remember, safety in numbers!

Captain: Looks like you’ve clubbed him to death to me! But why?

Transmission: Nah, Captain of the Starship Beaverprise here. We need your help to save my golden fish fingers…I mean, to look up some places we have to visit for some reason. I’ve forgotten why.

Captain: Err…There’s still 30 seconds left!

Alex: Oh. Err…Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

The following takes place between 6am and 7am. What more information could you need? Don’t answer that…



Captain: That’s enough!

Alex: Oh, sorry!


On an Unknown Planet…

Michelle: I’m really bored. You’ve had me locked up here for hours now and all we’ve done is make that video.

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Well, I guess we could play hangman or something!

Michelle: It’s always games with you people! Twisted, evil, children’s games!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Well yeah.

Michelle: So what’s going to be the topic?

Bill Clinton Masked Person: How about…Legendary Villians!

Michelle: Sounds good to me. I’ll go first. It’s two words, with eight letters in total.

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Hmmm…A!

Michelle: Nope.

Bill Clinton Masked Person: B!

Michelle: Nope.

Bill Clinton Masked Person: C?

Michelle: Err….Try something a little more original!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Ok….Z!

Michelle: Groan!

Several Guesses Later…

Bill Clinton Masked Person: P?

Michelle: Nah, sorry! That was your last go!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Nooooooooooooo!

Michelle: It was: The Joker!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: If only I’d have said, T, H and E, I would have had it!

Michelle: Oh well. Your go!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: It’s 11 letters and two words!

Michelle: Ok! E!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Aaargghhh! You bitch! I mean….correct!


At the WBF…

The Black “Family” Are Sitting Down Watching TV, with Ed.

Stereotypical Black Wife: What a legendary film!

Stereotypical Black Son: Shut up mum!

Stereotypical Black Wife: You little bastard! Keep your fucking mouth shut!

Stereotypical Black Son: Don’t forget I’ve got that on tape, bitch!

Stereotypical Black Daughter: Shhh! This is the bit where Mel Gibson’s son gets kidnapped.

Stereotypical Black Daughter #2: Yeah and they’ll hold him to ransom soon!

Stereotypical Black Son: What? Since when did you get any fucking lines you freak!?! Shut the fuck up!

Ed: Yeah, so I’m just going to get a drink!

Stereotypical Black Son: Just help yourself you fucking bastard! Eat us out of house and home you twat!

TV: We interrupt this legendary Mel Gibson film to bring you an urgent news bulletin. There has been a gang land murder on the streets of New York earlier today.

Stereotypical Black Son: Ah, fucking hell!

Stereotypical Black Daughter #2: Just out of interest, but why are we watching TV at 6 o’clock in the morning?

Stereotypical Black Wife: Because it stars the legendary Mel Gibson!

Stereotypical Black Daughter #2: But it’s over a thousand years old!

Stereotypical Black Son: Shut the hell up! I suppose next you’ll be asking us why Cattle Slaughtering Jones Vegetarian Cuisine is open all hours of the night and why we haven’t had a wink of sleep since this whole thing started!


In the Kitchen…

Ed: Hmmm….Lemonade or a bottle of vodka?

Drinks Machine: It’s up to you mate!

Ed: I’ll go with the vodka then!

Two Cloaked Figures Burst Through the Window…

Ed: But I haven’t even got the lid off it yet!

Cloaked Figure #2: You won’t be getting the lid off anything sonny!

Ed: Mum? Wait, I’m a hologram. I don’t have any parents!

Cloaked Figure #1: Could you get in the bag please?

Ed: What? Why the hell would I do that?

The Stereotypical Black Son walks into the kitchen…

Stereotypical Black Son: Just get in the fucking bag you bloody hologram!

Ed gets in the bag.

Cloaked Figure #1: Cheers mate!

The two cloaked figures head off out of the window with Ed in the bag.

Stereotypical Black Son: What have I done?

WBF Janitor: Yeah, what have you done?


On the Unknown Planet…

Bill Clinton Masked Person: You’ve got O, U and E so far! You’re doing well!

Michelle: What? We’ve been doing this for a quarter of an hour now and that’s all I’ve got!?!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: You’d better start guessing a bit quicker than hadn’t you! You’ve nearly been hung!


Meanwhile on the Zipper Express…

B6B: So when are we going to watch this video then?

Paul: Yeah it’s got kinda boring since old Captain Birdseye got flung out into space and sucked into that black hole!

Robert: God rest his soul.

Zip Finnigan: Let’s watch it now and see the lovely Michelle in action!

Kif: Err, Sir! We’re supposed to be trying to find out where she’s being held before any harm comes to her!

Zip Finnigan: And we will Kif, after I’ve freeze-framed through every second of this video!

Moe: Aww not again! Wasn’t that one night of passion enough for you?

Zip Finnigan: Obviously not!

B6B: No wonder Ed’s always in a bad mood!

Paul: Nah, that’s just you!

Max Baxter: Shut up you poor excuse for a character!

Robert: Look who’s talking!

Kif: What? You’re poor too!

Robert: At least I’m not a rip-off!

Kif: Aren’t you?

Moe: Let’s just watch the damn tape, shall we?

Zip Finnigan: Let’s!


Michelle: A?

Bill Clinton Masked Person: You’re getting good at this!

Michelle: That’s not the only thing I’m good at!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Oh yeah?

Michelle: Yeah, I’m a top player at Boggle too!

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) What the hell is Boggle?


On Dreyson 5…

Captain: We’re here!

Alex: Where?

Captain: Going Places!

Alex: The travel agents? Why?

Captain: You said we had to go to Going Places!

Alex: No! I said we had to be going places!

Captain: Let’s go!

Alex: So is Ed ever going to ring us back?

Captain: Probably not, it’s like when he doesn’t reply on MSN. He just doesn’t care!

Alex: So we’ll give him a bit longer, yeah?

Captain: Yeah, it’s almost daylight anyway!

Alex: I thought it had always been daylight!

Captain: No, it’s not even 7am yet!

Alex: Then how the hell did we find all those places in the dark?

Captain: We used my trusty torch!

Alex: Torch? Suspicious!


On the Unknown Planet…

Michelle: What have I got so far?

Bill Clinton Masked Person: _O_A / MU_ _E_ _

Michelle: Hmmm…..H?

Bill Clinton Masked Person: No! You’ve got one more guess, before it’s all over!

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Hurry up you freaks! I want a go! Jesus! You’ve been at this for half an hour now!


On the Zipper Express…

Zip Finnigan: Look at her succulent body!

Kif: Er…Sir! That’s John Doe 46!

Zip Finnigan: What? Well if isn’t the succulent John Doe 46!

Max Baxter: Hmmm…What’s this lotion all about?

Zip Finnigan: Ah! Here’s Michelle again! Zoom in Kif!

Moe: Hey, what does that say on the wall behind her?

Zip Finnigan: You’re looking at the wall?

B6B: It look’s like “Superman’s Band Link

Zip Finnigan: Kif zoom in!

Max Baxter: On the wall you fool!

Kif: Oops! Sorry!

Zip Finnigan: Sandman’s Sand Inc.!?!

Paul: Gasp!

Zip Finnigan: I think I know where that is!

Paul: Where?

Zip Finnigan: Palmer 2!

Paul: Where?


Michelle: L?

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Haha! You’re dead!

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Moowhahahahahahahaa!


Michelle: So are you going to tell me what the answer was or are we just going to sit here staring at the wall for the rest of our lives?

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Oh that!

Michelle: Yeah, remember?

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Why don’t I give you one final clue.

He rips off his Bill Clinton mask.

Michelle: My God….Bill Cosby?

Bill Cosby Masked Person: What? No! Why the hell am I wearing two masks?!?

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Cos you’re damn ugly that’s why!

Bill Cosby Masked Person: Oh yeah, now I remember!

He rips off Bill Cosby mask.

Michelle: Dear God…It’s you!

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Gasp!

