Sunday, March 23, 2003

Previously on Beaverprise…

Robert: She was murdered!

Zip Finnigan: So Kif we’ll keep you as our chief suspect until we return to the WBF Headquarters. You shall remain handcuffed to me until the end of the journey!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Time to…make a video!

Zip Finnigan: But nothing, Kif! We shall take Jane Doe 14’s body to the WBF Headquarters, where they shall perform further forensic testing on her to discover the true killer!

John Doe 46: Arggggh! Quick get me to a doctor! I cant breathe, or speak!

B6B: Look it’s Moe and Robert!

Michelle: Send 50 million pesetas to this unknown planet or you’ll never see me alive again!

John Doe 47: John Doe 46 has been murdered!

Zip Finnigan: I think we shall need the help of my former military veteran friend, Max Baxter!

Alex: So, do you think there’s enough time for us to say anything?

The following takes place between 5am and 6am on the day of the California Presidential Primary, which has nothing to do with what you are about to read what so ever!


Captain: Most legendary cliff hanger ever!

Alex: Yeah, so… next on the list! What is it?

Captain: Well we have been to: Bert’s Doughnut Shop, The Knocking Shop On 5th Avenue, The Blerg’s Residence, The Secret Bureau of Required Information, The Little House On The Prairie and Walt Dreyson World!

Alex: So, which one is next then?

Captain: It’s a restaurant, vegetarian cuisine courtesy of Cattle Slaughtering Jones

Several Miles Later At Cattle Slaughtering Jones Vegetarian Cuisine…

In The Restaurant…

Alex: It says here we have to meet with the guy who’s wearing red under pants

Bloke Behind The Counter: Come round the back in five minutes

(The man winks at Alex)


At The WBF…

Moe: So when’s this Bax Maxter getting here then?

Max Baxter: That’s Mr. Maxter to you!

Ed: Err….Don’t you mean, Max Baxter?

Max Baxter: That’s what I said!

Paul: Who’s this guy?

Zip Finnigan: You fool! Didn’t you read the recap above?

Paul: Obviously not!

Max Baxter: I’m Zap’s old former military veteran friend, Max Baxter! But you can call me Max Baxter!

Zip Finnigan: That’s Zip! No copyright infringement allowed here!

Max Baxter: So what’s the problem my old buddy? And who are all these people?

Zip Finnigan: This is Kif, my young protégée; Ed, B6B, Paul, Moe and Robert from the legendary, but not as legendary as my ship, Starship Beaverprise! And this is the rotting carcass of Jane Doe 14!

Max Baxter: Pleased to meet you all, but there’s no time for pleasantries! What have you called me up for?

Zip Finnigan: The young Michelle, also of the Starship Beaverprise, has been kidnapped by an as of yet unknown assailant. We must rescue her from a fate worse than death!

Ed: Err….Death!

Zip Finnigan: Exactly!

Max Baxter: So where is she being held?

Zip Finnigan: We don’t know yet, but we do have this video, which under further examination could provide us with the answers we need! I figured we could just fly around in space for a while until we work out where we have to go!

Ed: Its decided then all of you that includes Zip and his friend, will try and find Michelle, remember safety in numbers!

B6B: So you’re coming with us?

Ed: Nah! I think I’ll stay here! Remember, safety in numbers!

Moe: Safety? Numbers? In? Shut up!

Ed: I just wish I knew how to follow that line up!

Robert: Just forget about it, it’s impossible!

Zip Finnigan: I think we should leave immediately, with or without our dear friend Ed!

Max Baxter: So we’re just going to fly around in space for a while then?

Zip Finnigan: Anything to save our beloved Michelle!

The Crew Head Back to the Zipper Express Without Ed. They Fly Off In A Random Direction.


Round The Back Of Cattle Slaughtering Jones Vegetarian Cuisine…

Captain: So that explains everything!

Alex: But what about him?

Captain And Alex Look Towards The Computer Screen.

Him: It’s alright, I’ve been watching the two plot lines in parallel.

Captain: Yeah, whatever! Let’s just get on with it shall we!?!

Bloke Behind the Counter: Well I think I’ve given you all the information you need!

Alex: Oh really?

Bloke Behind the Counter: Well yeah! Anyway I’m just going to the…err…toilet! (He winks at the Captain)

Captain: Err….Are you coming on to me?

Bloke Behind the Counter: Err…

He disappears into the toilet.

In the toilet…

Bloke Behind the Counter: Wow! This basin’s really clean!

He washes his hands as a shadowy figure enters.

Bloke Behind the Counter: (looking in mirror) Wow that’s really big! What are you shaking it around for? I’d put it away if I was you!

The shadowy figure passes it between each hand and then clubs him to death with the said baseball bat.

The Captain rushes in.

Captain: What the hell have you done?


Alex: What have I done?

Captain: Looks like you’ve clubbed him to death to me! But why?

Alex: I dunno! It felt right at the time.

Captain: What, 05:41:56?

Alex: Err…yeah! Now let’s get out of here before someone finds his body.

Captain: What? We’re just going to leave it here?

Alex: Well…yeah!


At the WBF…

Ed: So anyone for Scrabble?

Jack Beaver, Jr: Nah! But I’d love a game of snakes and ladders!

Ed: Err…..

Ed’s phone rings.

Ed: Phew! Saved by my Indiana Jones ring tone!

Transmission: Ed! It’s the Captain here!

Ed: Captain Birdseye?

Transmission: Yeah, Captain Birdseye. We need your help to save my golden fish fingers from some sharks or something!

Ed: Nah, I’m kinda busy at the moment. Sorry. I’m sure there are some freakin annoying kids that can help you.

Transmission: I’ll try R.O.B.E’s number!

Ed hangs up the phone. He twiddles his thumbs and it rings again.

Transmission: Ed! It’s the Captain here!

Ed: Didn’t you just call?

Transmission: Nah, Captain of the Starship Beaverprise here. We need your help to save my golden fish fingers…I mean, to look up some places we have to visit for some reason. I’ve forgotten why.

Ed: Ok.

Transmission: We’re sending them through to your phone now. Get back to us as soon as you can!

Ed: No problem!

Ed hangs up the phone. He twiddles his thumbs for several minutes.

Ed: Oh right, the places!


Meanwhile on the Zipper Express…

Zip Finnigan’s Log Star Date 18.6: And so we saved the golden fish fingers from the evil space sharks. And got to meet the legendary Captain Birsds…

Kif: Sir, weren’t we supposed to be saving Michelle?

Captain Birdseye: No, the fish you idiot!

Zip Finnigan: Yes, those luscious golden fingers with a sweet fishy taste.

Captain Birdseye: Now let’s all sit down and enjoy my golden fish fingers!

Paul: What? You bastard! They’re not made of real gold!

He throws the platter of fish fingers in his face.

Captain Birdseye: Noooooooooooooo!


Captain: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Alex: What? What’s happened?

Captain: Nothing! That’s exactly my point! There isn’t a cliff-hanger!

Alex: (rubbing his chin) Isn’t there? Moowhahahahahahahahahahahaa!


Captain: Err…There’s still 30 seconds left!

Alex: Oh. Err…Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

