Saturday, July 06, 2002

Episode 10-The Voyage Home
A Shough-Gilmour Production
Written By: Alex Gilmour
Based on the Concept Created By: Justin Shough
Additional Material: Justin Shough

Logging into R.O.B.E…Beverages and tempting snack treats are available in the foyer.

Captains Log Star Date 10.1: We have been travelling back to Earth for quite some time now, in order to inform the parents of the deceased crew members of the details surrounding their deaths. Our orders came straight from the High Lord of the World Beaver Federation and he wants this mission completed as soon as possible, so that we can continue on our way. Before we had received this information, however, we ran into Boba Muffett, who insisted upon taking Michelle with him to Mars, so that he could find the rare Bounty chocolate bars they have there! Yes, I thought it was a lame joke too! But as we are going to Earth he has decided just to tag along in his ship, Slave Two, and will accompany us as far as Mars.

B6B: Captain. We’re just passing the Planet of Yarnellia!

Captain: Where?

Mr. Yarnell: Er…Would you mind dropping me off here?

Captain: Why?

Mr Yarnell: Err I live here!

Captain: Okay transport him down to the planet B6B!

Alex: Yarnellia eh? That means we’re almost in our home galaxy!

Paul: Who cares…I mean wahey!

R.O.B.E: I’ve got a bad feeling about this!

B6B: Why has this become a Star Wars spoof? I thought we were supposed to be a Star Trek rip-off!

Ed: I think it’s more like that film, Galaxy Quest!

Captain: Well actually I did steal some jokes from that for earlier episodes, luckily whoever reads this didn’t realise!

Alex: It’s all stolen, isn’t it?

Captain: Yeah, pretty much! Dont tell anyone though right!

R.O.B.E: According to my data banks precisely 4,945 conversations we’ve had have gone unfinished, or been interrupted! Meaning, that in time we….

Captain: Did you hear on the news there have been all these Martian bombers in London? Just imagine if there was one in Norwich!

Paul: You do say the strangest of things, well we all do I guess!

B6B: Captain! Boba Muffett is hailing us!

Captain: Who’s tailgating us?

B6B: Hailing sir, Boba Muffet

Captain: On screen!

Boba: Captain, we’ve almost made it to Mars! Do you think I could come aboard and get provisions for my surely exciting adventure on the red planet?

Captain: No, sorry! We can’t allow it!

Boba: Why not? Ed and B6B are there, can’t I come too?

Alex: No! You’re not a regular character and we kinda don’t need you for this episode anyway, so the less we see of you the better really!

Boba: Fine, well I’m going to Mars to find these Bountys now. Does anyone want to come?

Captain: Nah!

Alex: Nope!

Michelle: No way!

B6B: Not really!

Moe: Well…No!

Paul: I would if I could!

Ed: See you in hell!

Boba: Fine!

Boba Muffett flicks off screen, hopefully not to be seen again in this episode unless we can think of some more jokes, which is unlikely.

B6B: We’re closing in on Earth, Captain!

Captain: Where? Oh right Earth…

Captains Log Star Date 10.2: We have managed to get rid of Boba Muffett and have now proceeded to orbit Earth. This planet seems all too familiar to me, almost as if I’ve been here before. Have I? Or is this just another one of my twisted dreams? Only time will tell.

Alex: What are we here for again?

Captain: Destroy mankind or something...oh wait no, something to do with death, I think!

R.O.B.E: Same thing then? Captain, I request to beam down to Earth with the rest of the crew! It gets kinda lonely up here on my own.

Captain: Well okay, I don’t trust you here on your own, very well! B6B get that homosexual looking gold robot we put R.O.B.E. into during those horrible Clone Wars!

B6B: Mmm Homosexual…I mean yes sir!

In the transporter room:

Captain: Are we all here?

Alex: I think so!

Captain: Beam us down Watty!

Watty: What? Why the hell am I here?

Ed: Don’t ask us! Why are any of us here?

Alex: You shouldn’t be here really! You don’t fit in! despite the fact that R.O.B.E. is here! Anyway we’ll kill you when we get back!

On Earth:

Captain: Right, did we all beam down in one piece?

B6B: Yeah right...I mean yeah!

Alex: Yeah, I’m here, you’re here, B6B’s here and so are: Ed, Paul, Moe, John Doe 36, John Doe 37, Michelle and R.O.B.E!

Captain: So where are all the millions of people to welcome us home from our daring mission?

Alex: Hey, you!

A kid walking past stops and turns towards the crew…

Alex: What day is this?

Kid: Why today, sir? Today is Christmas Day!

Alex: Christmas? It’s not Christmas you fool! It’s Summer! Why is there no crowd to welcome us home?

Kid: Well, who the hell are you?

Captain: We’re the crew of the legendary Starship Beaverprise! Did no one watch the launch of our ship last year?

Kid: Launch? Last yeah? No!

Captain: It was on all 20 terrestrial channels!

Kid: No one watches them anymore! We were mindlessly watching repeats of the Queen Mother’s funeral on the R.I.P. Network! It featured extra footage from beyond the grave!

Captain: Cool! Here’s the plan! Me and Alex here will go and see the parents of the deceased. The rest of you can do whatever the hell you like! Oh and Alex kill that funny but annoying kid, but before you do ask him if he recorded the Queen mothers funeral...could be mildly humerous.

B6B: We can do whatever the hell we like, can we go and see our parents?

Captain: Sure!

Alex: Yeah, and once we’ve done with the deceased we could do that too!

Captain: Er…Yeah, maybe! Anyway let’s go!

The Captain and Alex walk off in the direction of the Beaverson house hold...

B6B: So are we gonna go see our parents or what?

Paul: I don’t know who my parents were! I was an orphan!

Ed: I’m a hologram, and as such don’t have any parents!

Moe: No one’s really interested in me, so there’s no point going to see mine!

R.O.B.E: I have a creator! I’m going to go see him!

At the Beaverson house:

Captain: Hello! I’m the Captain of the Starship Beaverprise, Justin. Which of course means that your son is no longer captain and so is dead!

Mrs. Beaverson: Huh?

Alex: Er…what he means is that your son died giving his life for the rest of the crew! Some may say he was a brave man, I however do not…

Spencer Beaverson: He’s dead?

Captain: Yes, we’re very sorry!

Mrs. Beaverson: Woo! Why are you sorry? We hated him! We only sent him into space to get rid of him!

Spencer Beaverson: I feel a burden has been lifted from my shoulders! We always dreaded the day when he would return home, but now that day will never come!

Captain: Hey aren’t you dead?

Spencer Beaverson: Apparently so!

Alex: It’s ok, this was written ages before Episode 8, seeing as I have nothing better to do! It’s hardly important, I mean nothing makes sense anyway!

Captain: Shut up, yeah it does!

Alex: We’re glad you’re taking your son’s death so well! Although technically your taking your own death even better!

In the corner of the room a small fluffy dog sits and cries...

Somewhere very near by:

R.O.B.E: This is where my creator lives! Or at least works, what the hell is that howling noise?

R.O.B.E. walks into the building. A chair is positioned next to a desk. As he walks in the chair swivels round, revealing a robot that looks exactly like him...

Look-a-like R.O.B.E: Hello! My name is David…I mean, R.O.B.E!

R.O.B.E: What? Noooo! I’m David! Er…R.O.B.E!

R.O.B.E. picks up a lamp from the desk and smashes the robot’s head off. It lands on the floor in millions of pieces. R.O.B.E. falls to floor. If he wasn’t a machine and had any feelings what-so-ever he would have cried!

Creator: Pinocchio is that you?

R.O.B.E: No, it’s me, R.O.B.E!

Creator: R.O.B.E? My God! You were my first creation! The most flawed and twisted thing I ever created! Have you come back to kill me?

R.O.B.E: No! But now that you mention it that is a good idea!

Creator: Thank God! Wait a minute…what did you just say? No, don’t do it! Leave me alone! R.O.B.E. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Not so far away:

Alex: Hey this is my house! Let’s go see my parents!

Captain: K!

Mr. Ruomlig: Son! Where have you been? We almost got worried!

Alex: I’ve been flying around space as a doctor in the Starship Beaverprise!

Mrs. Ruomlig: The what? Your not a doctor! you could have told us!

Alex: I must have forgotten! Anyway I’m here now! Miss me?

Mr. Ruomlig: Well we didn’t realise you’d gone, so not really! Though we did think it was awful quiet around here!

Alex: Ok then! Well we’re going back in a minute so I haven’t really got time to talk to you! See you soon!

Mr & Mrs. Ruomlig: Bye! See you at tea time!

Alex: Come on let’s go see your parents!

Captain: Err…Well you see, the thing is….

Alex: What?

Captain: Well…

The Captain grabs a man and a woman as they walk past...

Captain: These are my parents!

He prods them in turn!

Woman: Er…Julie!

Captain: And…

Man: Harry!

Alex: They don’t really look anything like you!

Captain: Well maybe I’m sort of a genetic freak

Alex: That explains it! Where’ve we got to go now?

Captain: Rosemary’s parent’s house!

The Captain tosses Julie and Harry aside and he and Alex walk off. They finally make it to Rosemary’s house...

Rosemary’s Dad: Yes, what do you want?

Captain: Grandpa? I mean, we’re here to inform you that you daughter is dead!

Rosemary’s Dad: I know!

Alex: Er….you do?

Rosemary’s Dad: Yeah, she died just over a year ago. She wanted to join this crazy space mission and I told her she couldn’t go! Then she mysteriously disappeared. Anyway I haven’t heard from her since, so I just assumed she was dead!

Captain: Ok then! Well we’re sorry to have brought it all up again!

Rosemary’s Dad: Not at all! Why you remind me of me when I was your age!

Captain: Er…Yes! Quite! Well goodbye!

Rosemary’s Dad: Goodbye!

Alex: Strange! Rosemary must have been about 60! So how old was that guy?

Captain: How the hell should I know? Its not like they are my family, leave me alone!

At the John Doe residence:

John Doe 36: Hi! We’re here to see our parents!

Jane Doe 8: I’m afraid our parents are dead!

John Doe 37: Dead? But how?

Jane Doe 8: Our mother died giving birth to me and our father died shortly after of a heart attack, when he learned that he would have to take care of us all on his own!

John Doe 36: Noooooooooooooo! Why did this happen? Why?

John Doe 36 pulls out his phaser and shoots himself!

John Doe 37: My God, nooooooo! My father, mother and brother are all dead! And you’re my sister? Why? My life isn’t worth living!

He grabs the phaser from John Doe 36’s charred remains and shoots himself too!

Jane Doe 8: O well…

The phaser somehow fires another shot, hitting Jane Doe 8!

Jane Doe 8: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

At the beam-up point:

Captain: Well that was fun!

Alex: Err Yeah...wasn’t it just.

B6B: It was great to see my parents again! One’s a beaver and the other is a human female!

Paul: How the hell does that work?

B6B: You’d be surprised!

R.O.B.E: So that was a pretty crap trip to Earth then!

Captain: Yup!

Alex: Can we get the hell out of here? I’d forgotten how much I hate Earth!

Moe: Yeah, why else would we have agreed to this suicide mission?

Captain: Are we all here?

Alex: All except John Doe 36 and John Doe 37!

Captain: Maybe they found something on Earth that we failed to discover and decided to stay! Beam us up Watty!

In the Transporter Room...

Alex: Nice work Watty!

Watty: Thanks…noooo! Aaarrgghhhhhh!

Alex shoots Watty, as he promised!

On the Bridge:

Captain: Set co-ordinates for the Glacian Quadrant!

B6B: Er, sir! They are two ships intercepting us, they appear to be people of the law!

R.O.B.E: Yeah, that would be my fault! I suggest you hide this gold robot and get the hell out of here!

Captain: Jump to hyperspeed!

B6B: It’s done!

Captain: What the hell have you been up to?

R.O.B.E: Nothing! Just put me back into the computer, I think I’m safer there!

B6B: Captain! We’re receiving a transmission from the High Lord of the World Beaver Federation!

Captain: On screen!

The High Lord of the World Beaver Federation appears on screen, cloaked in shadows to forever hide his identity. Maybe one day we will found out who he is! But not in this episode, because we’re running out of time!

High Lord: Good day to you Captain!

Captain: Hi Lord!

Alex: Oh, the humour!

High Lord: Yes! I see you have completed your mission. It gives me great honour to thank you for your trouble and wish you good luck on the perilous missions ahead of you!

Captain: Thanks!

High Lord: Let us hope that you don’t run into any more trouble, eh? A-hahahahahahaaaaa!

Ed: Are you drunk?

High Lord: No, but I soon will be!

The High Lord flicks off screen...

B6B: Captain, another ship has appeared on our scanners. It appears to be Boba Muffett’s Slave Two! He’s hailing us sir!

Captain: Very well! On screen!

Boba Muffett: Woo! I’ve just had the greatest adventure of all time! I ran into all kinds of Martians and Mysterons and I managed to find the lost Bounty chocolate bars! You should have been there it was the best!

Captain: Well we weren’t! Maybe one day an account of what happened to you will be written!

Alex: Not very likely!

Boba Muffett: Well maybe if you gave me my own spin-off series or something!

Alex: Nah!

Boba Muffett: I could write it if you like! Or maybe I could just tell you now! We’ve got time haven’t we?

Alex: Not really, no!

Boba Muffett: Damn you! What do I have to do to become a regular in this legendary series that I love so much!?!

Alex: Sorry, Boba! We grew tired of you around the start of this episode! Maybe when we need you again we could write you in!

Captain: Yeah, now stop following us and leave us alone!

Boba Muffett: Oh well! I guess I’ll have to eat this chocolate on my own! Good bye!

Captain: chocolate? Oh well bye, bye!

Captains Log Star Date 10.3: It seems that our mission was successful! The High Lord of the World Beaver Federation was proud of our work, although I feel we did more harm than good! B6B seems to be the only one that really enjoyed the trip back to Earth, but who wouldn’t for the site of a human and beaver together! We also managed to get rid of Boba Muffett, who has rapidly become rather annoying! R.O.B.E’s brief brush with the law will go unexplained to the rest of the crew, as will my attempts to cover the fact that Rosemary was my father! And so our adventures continue. Who knows what troubles we will encounter next? Only time will tell.

Logging out of R.O.B.E….Please file out in an orderly and well-mannered fashion.

Sunday, June 30, 2002

Episode 9-The “Great” Muffett Caper
A Shough-Gilmour Production
Written By: Alex Gilmour
Based on the Concept Created By: Justin Shough

Logging into R.O.B.E…..Where do you want to go today? Anybody? Hello? You’re supposed to answer! It’s not just some cheesy slogan like that one Microsoft used to use!

Captains Log Star Date 9.1: Space. The final frontier. Why this is the final one I’m not sure! This is of little importance to anyone, other than Paul, who seems to have a growing interest in the most bizarre of subjects. Probably because everything has been quiet on the Starship Beaverprise for some time, which can’t be a good sign! In fact I think something rather exciting could happen any second now….

A deadly silence fills the ship...

Captain: Hello?

Alex: Hi!

Captain: Where the hell is everyone?

Alex: They’re all asleep! Except me, because if I wasn’t here you’d have no one to talk to!

Captain: Well can we get them all up? If something exciting were to happen any minute now they’d miss all the fun!

Alex: You mean there would be no one to man the ship!

Captain: Yes, that’s what I meant! How come I’m so stupid? I was relatively normal when we set off from Earth!

Alex: I dunno! I guess you’ve evolved to present us with more jokes and humorous situations. Either that or you’re just are plain stupid!

Captain: Shut up! All you’ve done is insult me ever since you’ve been here!

Alex: I’m sorry, I’m just reading what it says here in the script!

Captain: Whatever! Let’s just get the crew up shall we?

Alex: Going to Red Alert!

Loud sirens sound around the ship along with red flashing lights, which look as though they may have been stolen from 21st Century police cars!

B6B: What? Oh my God! We’re under attack!

Paul: Squeeeeal!

Moe: Open fire! We’re going to war! Blast the bastards!

Michelle: Huh? There’s nothing going on! The ship’s fine! What the hell’s going on?

Alex: Oh we just thought we’d get you up! It seems this ship needs a crew, it can’t just float around in space!

Michelle: Well you interrupted my beauty sleep! I’m going back to bed!

Captain: Meow! I’ll come with you!

Michelle: Er….I’m kinda married to Ed!

Captain: Who?

Michelle: The guy from the holodeck! He got frozen in chocolate a while ago!

Captain: Mmmm….Holodeck…..I mean, Chocolate…..I mean, yeah I remember him! I think!

B6B: Captain! There’s something approaching us quite rapidly!

Captain: Well I guess my little liaison will have to wait! On screen!

Alex: Wow! Cool ship! I mean, looks familiar!

Captain: Yes! Too familiar for my liking! Shields up!

B6B: The ship is opening fire, sir!

Captain: Oh crap! Travel to Warp 6! And step on it!

B6B presses down hard on the accelerator, changing up in gear until he makes it into fifth...

Captain: Make sure you don’t speed! It’s a 700mph limit in this sector!

B6B: Hey, I’m the only fully qualified driver around here! I think I know what I’m doing!

Captain: Well I’m learning!

B6B: The ship’s still on our tail! It’s maintaining a steady speed.

Captain: Fire photon torpedoes!

Paul: Firing torpedoes sir!……….No direct hits!

B6B: He’s still firing at us Captain!

Captain: Dammit! Open communications.

B6B: Right-o!

Captain: This is Captain Shough of the World Beaver Federation Starship, Beaverprise! We mean you no harm, as long as you will return the favour! But an ear for ear and all that!

B6B: The ship’s hailing us, sir!

Captain: On screen!

Boba: I know who you are Captain! Remember me?

Captain: No!

Ed: Boba Muffett? Oh, crap! What does he want now?

Captain: What? Where the hell did you come from?

Ed: I was hiding under your chair!

Captain: Ed, of course! And Boba Muffett! The infamous bounty hunter who kidnapped our dear Ed during the Clone Wars! What are you doing here?

Alex: Well we had some jokes floating around and wanted to use them up, so we brought him back for this episode…Oh right, you were talking to Muffett! Sorry!

Boba: Ever since you rescued Michelle from Jabba’s Palace I have been following you to get back what is rightly mine!

Captain: This gold watch I stole off you when you weren’t looking?

B6B: Your wallet I stole?

Paul: You came back for your underpants?

Boba: What? You bastards! The watch was a present from my dear departed father, the wallet contained my only money, and my underpants…anyway I was talking about Michelle!

Alex: You’ve been following us since we rescued Michelle? That was ages ago! What took you so long?

Boba: Well if you’d travel in some sort of a direction I’d be able to follow you more easily! Instead you insist upon floating around in space in an uncoordinated fashion. It is most annoying!

Captain: A bit like R.O.B.E. then!

John Doe 9: Heehee!

Boba: What? How can you be John Doe 9? We should be up to John Doe 36 by now! It makes no sense! Why aren’t you in order? This does annoy me!

Captain: Very much like R.O.B.E!

R.O.B.E: Hey! Will you stop with the put downs!

Captain: Sorry!

R.O.B.E: Blondie!

Captain: You bastard!

Alex: So what have you been doing all that time, on your own, chasing us through space? You must have been pretty bored!

Boba: No not really! I’ve been reading the documentation for all of the missions you’ve been on!

Captain: What? How?

Boba: Oh, they’re on this website! Seems somebody’s been posting them in order to gain credit for the stories before they’re sent back to Earth!

Captain: Alex! You fiend! I knew you wanted to take over the ship! I knew you’ve been jealous of me ever since I was a lowly tea boy!

Alex: It wasn’t me! I just wrote Episodes 2, 6 and 7 and I finished off Episode 4!

Captain: Then who could it have been?

Alex: I guess we’ll never know!

Boba: It says posted by Justin Shough on here!

Alex: What? You bastard!

Captain: You fools! That’s the Official World Beaver Federation Website! I have to post our missions on there so that we will become famous and so that we can inform Earth of our findings!

Alex: That’s ok then! But how the hell is he reading them?

Boba: Oh, I’m a bit of a hacker, so it didn’t take much! One question though!

Captain: Yes?

Boba: How come you didn’t make a joke about finding the worms in the last cell in Episode 3?

Captain: We did! Have you only just read that one? That was ages ago! No one even remembers that!

B6B: Worms, eh?

Paul: I haven’t said anything for a while!

Alex: I told you to speak only when your spoken to dammit!

Captain: So where exactly is all of this going?

Boba: Well I’m a bounty hunter and I need a companion, like Michelle, to keep me company whilst I go in search of the rare Bounty chocolate bars, that only Mars still sells! It’s in the Galaxy you come from!

Alex: Wow! That was one pretty lame joke! Now you know why I didn’t put it into Episode 6!

Paul: Ha! Ha! Bounty chocolate!

Alex: Shut up!

Boba: Well I don’t write this stuff I just criticise it all! In fact I’ve done some critical stuff in this project I’ve just finished! I’ve got to hand it in to Mr. Yarnell today!

Mr. Yarnell: This is a load of crap! There’s rubbish in the evaluation and your screen shots are littered with stupidity! What the hell have you been doing? You can’t just make me a program and then make up my comments afterwards! Do it again you stupid boy!

Captain: What the hell are you doing here? I thought the Planet of Yarnellia had been destroyed by Darth Wagner’s Beaverson Clones!

Alex: This is illogical Captain!

Mr. Yarnell: You obviously miss-read that one! The people on the planet were merely killed by the Beaverson Clones, but I managed to hide under a stack during the whole ordeal! You picked me up this morning to take me to the World Beaver Federation’s Meeting of Planets Conference on Zargon 6!

Captain: We did?

Mr. Yarnell: Well I may have stowed away, but it’s pretty much the same thing!

Captains Log Star Date 9.2: Well it seems that Boba Muffett wants to take Michelle with him. He doesn’t seem too forceful at this point. We also have Mr. Yarnell on board, but hopefully he wont disturb us again! Unfortunately Alex has used up all of the Muffett jokes now, so who knows where this might go next! Only time will tell!

Boba: So where is Michelle anyway?

Captain: She’s tucked up in bed getting some sleep!

Boba: Mmmm….Hubba hubba! I love that long blonde hair!

Captain: Blonde? She’s got short brown hair!

Alex: No it’s long and brown with blonde streaks!

Paul: I always thought she was a ginger!

B6B: She’s got brown hair all over!

Alex: Er……….

B6B: Well she’s a beaver isn’t she!?!

Alex: Phew! What? No!

Captain: brown hair with blonde streaks? Sounds suspiciously like someone else’s hair…

Ed: Hey! I’m her husband I think I should know! She’s, er, erm……I can’t even remember what she looks like!

Moe: I think she’s bald!

R.O.B.E: No, she’s a robot!

Mr. Yarnell: Michelle? No, no! Adele’s the only girl for me!

Alex: I guess she seems to cater for all our tastes!

Boba: Anyway, it doesn’t matter I still want her! And in that sexy bikini too!

Captain: Wow! That was hot wasn’t it!

Boba: Too right!

Alex: So that’s one cool ship you’ve got there!

Ed: Yeah, I like your costume too! I’m gonna get the action figures soon!

Alex: What’s it called?

Boba: This is Slave Two!

Ed: What happened to Slave One?

Boba: It was destroyed by the evil people at Waddingtons! They hated my father! And seeing as I look exactly the same, even though this helmet does cover my face, they destroyed it thinking it was his ship, which it was until I stole it! It’s a shame. That ship had my whole life in it! Now I have no life!

R.O.B.E: Ha!

Captain: Oh the woes of the year 2999!

Boba: What? I thought it was the year 3001!

Captain: It is!

Boba: But you just said it was 2999!

Captain: I know! Did you miss the new year celebrations or something?

Boba: What? This all makes no sense! I don’t like it!

Alex: You’ll learn to live with it!

Boba: Now I know why I’m not a regular character! I’m even more confused than Paul!

Paul: I’m not confused, just puzzled that’s all!

Michelle: Excuse me people, but I’m trying to get some sleep and all I can hear is you lot arguing about nothing!

Boba: Ah-ha! My lady love!

Michelle: Huh? Oh, not you again!

B6B: Captain! We’re receiving a transmission from the High Lord of the World Beaver Federation!

Captain: My God! What can we have done to deserve such a call? On screen!

Boba: Hey! But then I wont be here any…..

Boba Muffett flicks off the screen and the High Lord of the World Beaver Federation appears in his place. The High Lord has never been seen by any living creature and when appearing on screen he is cloaked in shadows that disguise his face.

High Lord: Ahhhh, Captain Shough of the Starship Beaverprise I presume!

Captain: Maybe… who’s asking? Better not be my deranged ex-wife trying to rob me of more money...

High Lord: Er….yes, I mean no…look er anyway! I’m sorry I haven’t been able to get hold of you sooner. I’m afraid the people of Earth are not aware of your status and so as such have not been informed of any casualties that have occurred since your mission began!

Alex: John Doe, John Doe 2, John Doe 3, John Doe 4, John Doe 5…..I could go on!

High Lord: John who? Anyway, as I can’t really be bothered with all that grief and what not I have decided that you shall do the honours of informing the parents of the deceased, namely that honey Rosemary and your previous Captain, Matthew Beaverson! I expect you to return to Earth immediately, thus allowing you to complete this task and then continue with your mission as soon as possible!

Captain: Mission? I mean, yes sir! We’ll turn right around now and head for that planet you mentioned….er, whatjamacallit….Earth!

High Lord: Heehee! Ha! Ha! Ha! Moowhahahahahahahahahaaaaa!

Ed: Why are you laughing?

High Lord: I don’t know! I need a drink!

The High Lord of the World Beaver Federation flicks off the screen and Boba Muffett returns...

Boba: This is ground control to Major Tom! Commencing countdown, engines on! Lalalalala…..

Alex: Er……

Boba: What? Oh, didn’t know you were back!

Alex: Obviously!

Boba: So what happened?

Captain: Well not that we should tell you, but we’ve been called to head back to Earth to visit the parents of the deceased crew members!

Boba: Well that’s great! Now I can go to Mars and find those Bountys I was hunting for!

Alex: Once again, lamest joke ever!

Captains Log Star Date 9.3: And so it has been done. Boba Muffett is accompanying us back to Earth in his ship, Slave Two. B6B has already set co-ordinates for our home planet and hopefully we should be there by the next episode….I mean, very soon! It seems all too convenient that the High Lord rang when he did, as now we wont have to sacrifice Michelle to Muffett and we can continue to gaze upon her beauty throughout the trip back to Earth…and beyond And as you may have guessed this whole exciting adventure will be continued!

John Doe 9: Hey! I managed to survive the whole episode! Unlike all of the other John Does I’m alive! Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I cheated death before, or maybe I was destined to become a vital and highly important member of the Beaverprise crew….

John Doe 9 receives a phaser blast in his back. He falls to the floor dead, revealing Alex holding a freshly fired phaser.

Alex: I guess not!

R.O.B.E. has been sued by Microsoft for calling their slogan cheesy. Supreme Chancellor Bill Gates has cut your connection with the server.