Sunday, April 06, 2003

Previously on Beaverprise…

Bill Clinton Masked Person: Well, I guess we could play hangman or something!

Bill Clinton Masked Person: How about…Legendary Villians!

Two Cloaked Figures Burst Through the Window…

Stereotypical Black Son: Just get in the fucking bag you bloody hologram!

The two cloaked figures head off out of the window with Ed in the bag.

Moe: Let’s just watch the damn tape, shall we?

Alex: So is Ed ever going to ring us back?

Moe: Hey, what does that say on the wall behind her?

Zip Finnigan: Sandman’s Sand Inc.!?!

He rips off his Bill Clinton mask.

Michelle: Dear God…It’s you!

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Gasp!

The following takes place between 7am and 8am. In real time…Probably.


Mask-less Person: Yeah, it’s me!

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Aaargghhh! The suspense is killing me!

Michelle: Boba Muffett?

Boba Muffett: Yes! Mooowhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!



Boba Muffett: Ah crap! My watch is wrong.


Boba Muffett: That’s better!

Michelle: So who the hell are you then?

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Me? I’m just some freak from the Cyber Café. Nobody interesting anyway!

Michelle: Could I have a hacksaw please?

Boba Muffett: What, so you can cut your beard off?

Michelle: Err…That wouldn’t make sense! I don’t even have a beard!

Boba Muffett: It’s been 7 hours. I think you should have by now!

Michelle: No, I want to cut through this rope you tied me up with in hour 4!

Boba Muffett: Hour 4? That was poor! Apart from the last two minutes anyway!

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Let’s hope it was the only one!

Boba Muffett: So that’s a nice body you got there, Michelle! Do you work out?

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Err…

Michelle: Nah, but I do like to swim. Which doesn’t conjure up even sexier images in your head, does it now?

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) Err…


On Dreyson 5…

Alex’s phone rings.

Alex: Hello?

Transmission: Alexis Gilmour?

Alex: (looking around suspiciously) Yeees, it’s Alexis Gilmour here!

Captain: Alexis? Hmmm….Suspicious!


Meanwhile on the Zipper Express…

Max Baxter: So the co-ordinates have been set to Palmer 2?

Zip Finnigan: Yes, we’re on our way!

Kif: It should take us a couple of hours to get there!

Robert: A couple of hours!?! I’m going to the toilet. We’ve got to pass the time somehow.

B6B: Where the hell did you get that goatie? Looks kinda evil!

Paul: I grew it! How else?

B6B: But you didn’t have it last…err…10 minutes ago! How did you grow it so quick?

Paul: Well where did you get those sunglasses from?

B6B: My pocket!

Paul: Hmmm…Suspicious! You didn’t have them on ten minutes ago!

Max Baxter: That’s nothing! I wasn’t even wearing this suit the last time you saw me!

Moe: So, who cares!

In the toilet…

Robert: This is Roberto Al Fonzo!

Transmission: What have you to report?

Robert: Paul has a goatie! Haha! He looks like an idiot!

Transmission: What? No, what the hell is going on there?

Robert: Oh right! We’re heading for Palmer 2. We’ll be there within two hours!

Transmission: Thanks for the tip-off!


On Palmer 2…

Michelle: Do you mind if I use the phone? I have to make a personal call!

Boba Muffett: Ok, but it’d better not be long distance!

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) And hurry up! I want to use the internet!

The following takes place between Michelle and an Unknown Person. This occurs in English subtitles.

Michelle: It’s Yelena…

Transmission: (in Russian) Alright! How’s it going?

Michelle: (also in Russian) Not bad thanks! I think I may have found a way out.

Transmission: (in Russian again) Excellent my dear, Yelena!

Boba Muffett: What the hell? Since when did you talk Russian? And who’s Yelena? And what has this all got to do with everything else that’s going on?

Monica Lewinski Masked Person: (gruff voice) It’s probably not important so let’s forget it ever happened!

Boba Muffett: What happened?


On the Zipper Express…

Paul: Hey Moe, what’s with the afro?

Moe: I’ve gone back to my reggae roots!

B6B: But you had flat hair a minute ago!

Moe: Well I can have my hair styled differently you know! I mean we have been filming this bloody thing out of sequence for the past four months!

Kif: Filming?

Paul: Yeah, this documentary we’re going to show when we get back to Earth! I call it: My Big Fat Greek Beaver!

Kif: Sounds good!


At the WBF…

Stereotypical Black Wife: What a great film!

Stereotypical Black Daughter: Thank god it’s over though! I need some sleep!

Stereotypical Black Wife: Hey, where’s Keith….err, I mean my Stereotypical Black Son?

Stereotypical Black Daughter: Probably killing someone that attacked me!

In the Kitchen…

Stereotypical Black Son is on the floor crying.

Stereotypical Black Wife: What’s wrong? The film wasn’t that bad!

Stereotypical Black Son: Mum. I can never tell you. Never!

Drinks Machine: Ahh Ed was captured and your Stereotypical Black Son let it happen!

Stereotypical Black Wife: You little bastard! How could you let this happen to the son I never had?!?

Stereotypical Black Son: Fucking drinks machine! I’ll kill you!

Drinks Machine: What like you killed the WBF Janitor?

Jack Beaver, Jr: Nooooooooooooooo! The love of my twisted life!


On Dreyson 5…

Alex: Christ, I’m nakered! I haven’t slept for over 17 hours!

Captain: Yeah, I’m naked too!

Alex: What?

Captain: So we’re going to sleep yeah?

Alex: Well not while you’re naked!

Captain: I’ll sort it out!

Alex: So we’re just going to sleep on the ground in the middle of nowhere?

Captain: Suppose!

They go to sleep on the ground.

Meanwhile The Zipper Express Continues To Travel To Palmer 2, Whilst It’s Crew Sleep, Empty Their Bowels And Eat And Drink As Much As They Can In Preparation For The Many Hours Ahead Of Them.


Paul: That was one hell of a sleep I had there!

B6B: Yeah, thanks for waking us all up!

Moe: What? Half an hour later? That’s poor! They’ve fobbed us off with half an episode!

Kif: It’s what we’ve expected of them!

Zip Finnigan: They had to slip up sooner or later, especially after the past 7 hours!

B6B: Bastards!


Alex and the Captain wake up…

Captain: What’s going on?

Alex: We fell asleep!

Captain: So it was all a dream? Then the WBF Leader is safe, Michelle hasn’t been kidnapped and you didn’t kill that Bloke Behind the Counter!?!

Alex: No that was all real!

Captain: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

