Thursday, September 05, 2002

Introduction To Season Three:
Written By Creator/Writer Justin Shough

Two years have passed since the heroic Starship Beaverprise crew left Earth to save mankind from the Galactic War, and these two years have been a mixture of success and failure. The crew are close to completing there original goal to stop the war against Earth and have now completed 12 primary missions. The memory of the late Rosemary Wagner and former Starship captain Beaverprise still lives on, they are gone but not forgotten. The most recent events have also been the most tragic, In Mission 12 former captain Justin and former head doctor of the ship Alex lost their lives because of a jury decision against the crew. They are dead. This was to be the final year the Starship Beaverprise crew were to be in deep space, they were after mission 18 supposed to be going home. The WBF have been so pleased with the success of the crew, they are contemplating continuing the mission for up to another two years…the WBF have yet to tell the crew this because its unlikely everyone will want to space in space for a further two years despite the fact that they haven’t got much waiting for them back on Earth.
Beaverprise will be back “BIGGER LONGER AND PROBABLY UNCUT

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Crew Update .3

R.O.B.E.-Despite the fact he’s the most detested member of the Starship Beaverprise crew R.O.B.E. has built up a reputation for being a God like creation and a legend that everyone loves. He didn’t write this if anyone asks.

B6B- Beaver 6 Billion, is still the only beaver hybrid on the ship for this mission he is the ships engineer but he is best known for creating the worlds greatest website (In 2003) called Wormfeeder during the internet related war of the 2040's it eventually became exclusively the worlds only website as its success bought money which allowed them to buy out every other internet company (much in the same way Bill Gates did in the 20th century. He is skilled, knows the ship well, his age is unknown but he one of the longest living Beavers ever. He has a love for Wormfeeder. He continues as the ships engineer, little is known about him apart from he is unsure about his the rest of the crew. In the past year he has survived no fewer than 1 near death experience when he was hit over the head by an asteroid…by all accounts he should be dead.

Paul- Paul is still the ships weapons system designer, spent 4 years studying the construction of weapons at Homebase. He is chief controller of war related affairs he is now 31 years of age, has a love for nuclear warheads. He has continued to get along with other crew members and has had a varied degree of success in the missions he has taken part in. In the past year he has been needed once, sort of.

Andrew- One of the new recruits to the Starship Beaverprise crew, he was sent to the crew via a shuttle sent directly from the WBF. His age and origins are unknown. He designed many areas of the Starship Beaverprise ship, and for this reason is a most valuable member, well he would be if he would stay awake for more than five minutes.

Michelle-One of only two females aboard the Starship Beaverprise it’s a miracle nobody has taken the WBF to court over their sexist policies. She is now 24 years of age, she is now the only qualified doctor aboard the ship since the untimely demise of Alex and Justin.

John Doe-John Doe, a true hero. He has death running through his veins, literally.

Jane Doe-Long live Jane Doe.

Moe Jones-Moe is still the aviation expert, he is the ships flight path organiser, He is now 34 years of age. He continues to serve the crew and the mission to save Earth even though he would probably sooner destroy it.

Ed-Ed, a true legend in the making. The new captain of the Starship Beaverprise and has taken on board a lot of responsibly (with Michelle, not the job) If I believed his fate was in his own hands I would say he has a great chance of being a long running captain and seeing the mission through to the inevitable bitter end, but who knows.

New Recruit .2-Little is known about the second recruit to join the Beaverprise crew next week other than his name is Robert.

Matthew Beaverson- No longer a crew member, but seemingly no longer dead. (all will be revealed soon) He is a former captain of the Starship Beaverprise and his whereabouts are still unknown. Like the Terminator He very may well be back, one day.

Rosemary- 2063-3000 Rest In Peace

Alex + Justin-Missing, presumed dead.