Monday, April 22, 2002

Episode5 Part 1-The one with the Five joke.
Written By Justin Shough

Logging into R.O.B.E... This may take a while (R.O.B.E does not have the power of the playstation)

Sponsored By Extra Strength Hydro Powered Coffee In Association with Wormfeeder.

Captains Log Star Date 5.1: Well everything is normal, Michelle is tanning her self, Moe is playing with a large knife, Paul is talking about Homebase...Alex is playing with himself and well I'm writing this!
I had just made tea for everyone, John Doe version 1.0 noticed that there were 999981 tea bags in our storage container but he seemed to think they should have only been 999980-this was dismissed by the crew as irrelevant (much like John himself). But does worry.

Later on...

Captain: Moe have you set the flight coordinates for planet "Kingsize"?

Moe: Kingsize? That Five album that nobody bought?

Captain: No, no the planet that the millionaire psychopath Hannah Gilmour dedicated to them

Moe: ohhh...that planet nobody visited.

Captain: yes that’s the one.

Moe: ill do it now, just as soon as I’m "on top of the world"

Captain: Alrighty, "lets Dance"

Paul: Can you "Feel the love"? There’s "something in the air" I really think we should "get it on", maybe you can "Lay all your lovin on me" and get "Closer to me"

Captain: Listen you fool you ruined the Five joke now haven’t you, you just named 5 err Five songs in one sentence! At least they could have been ones that more than 5 people have heard of!

John Doe 1.0+: Stop SAYING 5!! AAAAARGH...(coughs and falls down dead.)

Captain: Anyway back to to speak, we should arrive on the planet kingsize at dawn 2moro I suggest we get some rest, or I could make you all some extra strength hydro powered coffee.

Legal Notice: 1 in 10 people die from drinking Extra Strength Hydro Powered Coffee.

Crew: Coffee sounds good.

B6B: Hi do you remember me; I didn’t say anything in that last episode, which was also kinda short, and I only rated 6/10

Captain: What on Earths people are you talking about?

B6B: Sorry captain, it, it must be the coffee.

Captain: R.O.B.E has been pretty quiet....

Alex: Noooooo, you have jinxed it, he’s bound to talk now.

R.O.B.E. Hello, Hello! Mr R.O.B.E here, how is everybody doing?

Captain: This is the captain of the da da da da daa da.

Alex: hmmm R.O.B.E being nice, B6B talking, the captain advertising some sort of a dairy product, what’s going on?

Scottish Bloke hired for one line: Were doomed! Doomed I tells ya!

Captain: Well as I look out of the observation screen and see a rather large ship, it appears were in trouble...

John Doe 1.1+: Never fear ill save you!

Paul: Don’t do it you will die like all the others!

John Doe jumps out of the ship with his phaser gun firing...sadly the shots didn’t quite make it as far as the enemy ship, and he had forgot his oxygen tank...

Alex: Captain, I noticed that you were saying more than me again in this episode...I wonder if it’s anything to do with who is writing it? Hmm.

Captain: My god the coffee has corrupted your mind Alex! Wake up and smell the burning carcass of John Doe 1.3+

Michelle: God when did that happen?

Captain: I Don’t really know, I wasn't paying attention.

B6B: Captain, we don’t have the power...they have it! Either R.O.B.E has gone crazy or they have taken over our ships controls!

Captain: My god R.O.B.E. what have you done??

R.O.B.E-Not me Captain, I was looking at tractors on the Internet.

Alex: My God! Well he’s not actually my God… but you know what I mean.

Captain: Alex nobody knows what you mean!

B6B: Captain, they are steering us towards the ship there’s nothing we can do.

Captain: If only we had power steering and an Automatic Braking System.

B6B: I am trying to divert all power to the shields but it wont let me.

Captain: What can they possibly gain from this? Won’t they be destroyed too?

Paul: Have you realised yet that their ship is 20 times bigger than ours?

Captain: Y...Ye...yes of course!

Captain: Paul can we shoot at them with our laser cannons?

Paul: Are you thinking of our laser inkjet printers made by cannon? We don’t have any functional weapons anyway!

Captain: then we must pray and hope for the best...who am I kidding, I don’t believe in God...Sob sob.

Moe: Time till we all die a horrible death 23 seconds and counting...

Alex: 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15...

Captain: Ok, ok that’s enough, you don’t have to make our deaths anymore boring then they already are, you...***/-**&*^&($**352***&* %&(*%$^%$"^*%!$""$$"

Alex: there’s no need to swear, yo...

R.O.B.E-As the two ships collided nobody really knew what was happening, what was going to happen...and they had forgotten about everything that had happened before...and I felt a lot of pain.

Captain: Where the hell are we?

R.O.B.E Accidentally Pressed Ctrl Alt Delete Twice

Episode 5 Part 2-Comming Soon!